
We are a Church that is:

We are people who willingly follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. In doing this, we follow Him as a body:

  • By joining together to worship God
  • By growing our relationship with God
  • By serving others
  • By sharing the positive, Good News of Jesus Christ

We are a Southern Baptist Church that adheres to the Baptist Faith and Message.

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Our History

Cherry Mound Baptist Church was organized May 20, 1972 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Tate. Reverend Howard Davis served as its first pastor. White House High School Auditorium was secured as a temporary meeting place. Then White House Seventh-Day Adventist Church allowed the use of its facilities until a permanent place of worship could be found.

June 23, 1972, the newly organized church voted to buy a lot on Hwy. 31W, three miles north of White House. At this time, the 55 charter members adopted the name Cherry Mound Baptist Church. The official organizational meeting was held on July 1972 at the beginning of a tent revival on the on the new lot. Cherry Mound joined the Bledsoe Association.

August 1972, construction began on the facility that serves as it present sanctuary and a portion of its education space. The first worship service was held in the new building on the first Sunday in April of 1973. March 1979, Cherry Mound voted to extend a formal invitation to Horseshoe Mission, of First Baptist Church, White House, to unite with them. The invitation was accepted, and the two congregations became one, with Brother Robert Wilson as pastor.

October 1979, Cherry Mound joined the Robertson County Baptist Association, which is now known as the Harvest Baptist Association. In 1981, the church built a fellowship hall that also added educational space.

In 2020, the church blessed with continued growth understood its need to add both facilities and parking. Therefore, in that same year, the church bought approximately 3.6 acres to join its original lot.

The church loves Jesus and gives HIM the glory for the blessings HE has bestowed and continues to bestow on the church.

Our Beliefs

We believe there is one true and living God in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God wants to have a personal relationship with you. That is why God the Father sent Jesus, His Son, to the world. He became one of us so that through Him, we can spend eternity with Him. And Jesus is the only way for mankind to spend eternity with God!