Sunday School
Sunday School is the opportunity for adults, youth, and children to meet for Bible study in small groups on Sunday morning. These are groups you can join at any time and everyone is invited.

Men's Ministry
Men's Ministry encourages men to grow closer to the Lord and serve HIM. This is done through Bible study, prayer, fellowship, outreach, and mission projects.

Woman's Missionary Union (WMU)
Woman's Missionary Union (WMU) encourages women to grow closer to the LORD and serve HIM. This is done through Bible study, prayer, learning what HE is doing throughout the world, and joining HIM on mission projects. WMU encourages church-wide missions participation by promoting Weeks of Prayer and Giving for state, home, and foreign missions, while also giving support to local mission programs.

Discipleship Groups
Discipleship Groups are composed of people who want to do in-depth Bible studies whether at the church, in homes, or at the local Coffee Shop. These groups are designed to study the Word while doing life together.

Student Ministry

Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a week-long focus on giving children, youth, and adults a fun and creative place to learn about the Bible and to build a relationship with the LORD and healthy relationships with each other.

Alone Together
Alone Together is a ministry for women who live alone, whether single, widowed, or divorced. Monthly meetings are a means of sharing and caring. These meetings happen at the church, dining at a nearby restaurant, or taking a trip a bit farther,

Puppet Ministry
This ministry enables individuals to share the gospel message throughout the community. Those from the 5th grade to Senior Adult use their talents to share in this ministry.